Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today is the first day of spring.  Even though it doesn't feel like it here, we can at least Think Spring!
Every year this time brings spring cleaning fever to my life.  I don't know why. Is it the weather, time change, or just the quarterly "need to feel relieved" syndrome?
I find that taking items to the local consignment shop is worth it and kind of fun to see what you can get out of those pair of jeans that you were only able to wear a month before you gained the winter cloak. It's also a great time to see what others have discarded from their storage bins!
After cleaning out half the closet, you feel an emptiness.  Well, time to shop! Besides someone has to keep the economy going in this media enhancing recession.  
Shopping in your local downtown can surprise you with the great treasures waiting for you. You never know when you will need that cute ruffly umbrella to save you from the monsoon in Ohio or the lavender candle that soothes your senses after a long day at work.
If you haven't browsed your downtown streets lately, I encourage you to do so.  The downtown businesses have adorned their windows with spring sensations, which brings on a fresh new attitude from the never ending season we are leaving.  
So, now I spend the next few days going through drawers and closets seeing what I can live without, making room for the things I just can't go into spring without. 
Happy Spring Cleaning!


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