Knitting Class starts Saturday, June 19- learn how to knit a cotton washcloth. This will be a two Saturday project. Come back on Saturday, June 26 to finish the project. This project is $10 which includes all materials and supplies. Please pre-register for this event by emailing info@mainstreetgreenville.org or by coming to the market any Wednesday or Saturday to the Communal Table to sign up.
Other knitting projects to sign up for include:
Saturday, July 24 &31- Market Bag: $10 registration, yarn not included.
Saturday, August 21& 28-Scarf: $10 registration, yarn not included.
Saturday, September 18-25-Hat: $10 registration, yarn not included.
Instructor for "The Knitting Circle at the Market" is Michelle Dircksen of Woodsview Alpaca Farm.

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