Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Community supporters Marilyn Delk and Eileen Litchfield demonstrate the importance of our built environment. Main Street Greenville and Bear’s Mill are collaborating to bring historic preservation awareness to the Greenville and Darke County community. They have teamed up with local citizens that will join thousands of individuals and communities across the country to celebrate National Preservation Month this May. “Old is the New Green” is the...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank You! was the message we wanted our volunteers to know and hear at our first volunteer recognition...an Ice Cream Social. Who could pass that down? Again, many thanks to all our volunteers. Downtown could be the place it is without your help. Spencer's Landscaping deserves an extra thank you for decorating the tent with an "earthy" display in recognition of Earth Day as well as providing the use of their equipment to water downtown this season.Main...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

'Downtown Update for April/M...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Main Street Greenville goes inside the businesses of downtown Greenville to explore the people behind the business. First video is Montage C...
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